How nice, I turned 25 again.
It is the sixth time, actually, so I’m getting quite used to it… but hey, it sure feels great 😉
This time was at Vänersborg marathon, one of my absolute favorite races… and I enjoyed the (sparse) company of my swedish Master Lennart Skoog as well… and the weather was just glorious !
You find the pictures and story from Vänersborg marathon here.
So.. my full list of turning 25 looks like this:
25 27.08.2006 Landskrona (Sweden) Pictures
50 30.06.2007 Kristianopel (Sweden) Pictures
75 20.04.2008 Zürich (Switerzerland) Pictures
100 02.11.2008 Skovmaren (Denmark) Pictures
125 26.04.2009 London (England) Pictures
150 19.09.2009 Vänersborg (Sweden) Pictures