Saturday October 14th 2023 I ran the Khujand Marathon in Tajikistan, the last of four marathons in 6 days as part of the “Central Asian Challenge 2023” by Z Adventures. Find below my full race coverage from this marathon and a few impressions from Khujand and Tajikistan.
Khujand and Tajikistan
We did not have much time in Khujand to explore the city, so the impressions from Tajikistan came mostly from the bus rides to/from Tashkent. Tajikistan is a country with approx. 9 mio. inhabitants and is one of the most mountainrich countries as well. The history of the city Khujand dates back more than 2500 years (!) and Khujand was once an important stop on thr Silk Road to China. Below also a few snapshots kindly lend from the other runners.
Khujand Marathon 2023
The race series came to it’s conclusion Saturday in Tajikistan, we ran 28 times round in a beautiful Park in Khujand. The route was very flat and easy and the temperatures were very pleasant: 12-18 C, ideal conditions for running. We headed back to Tashkent immediately after the maraton, yet another very busy day with running and travelling. My warm congratulations to all the runners for all finishing all the four races and a special high-five to Nandini Alinier for her first marathon ever, well done here in Khujand! Thus, this report is the final wrap of the “Central Asian Challenge 2023”, it has been an adventure for sure.

See or relive the Khujand Marathon 2023 here (and in Tajik and Russian) :