Tor Rønnow

6 Star Finisher 7 Continents Finisher 75 Marathon countries Author of best-seller running book Mountain hiker Off-piste alpine skier Chess player

Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019

Sunday May 19th I completed Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019. Find below my full race coverage with pictures also from the Breakfast Run in the Tivoli Gardens Saturday morning.

Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 - Tor Rønnow

Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 – 40th edition
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 took of at Islands Brygge 09.30 AM in the Danish capital. The race day in Copenhagen was once again very warm for running but nevertheless event records were set both on the male and female side. There was furthermore a record 11.497 participants crossing the start line in Copenhagen making this 40th edition of the event a truly outstanding and memorable one. You will understand all this much better by reading my full race report below. My best of congratulations and applause to Sparta for this 40th anniversary Telenor Copenhagen Marathon!

See or relive Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 here :

Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Dansk)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 – TorRønnow的圖片(中文)
Telenorコペンハーゲンマラソン2019 – TorRønnowの写真(日本語)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Telenor Copenhagen Marathon – 40th

Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2019 - Tor Rønnow

Telenor Copenhagen Marathon – my precious
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon – this is where it all started for me, in 2004. After nearly 2 years of training and preparing I had my marathon debut at this wonderful race and I was hooked right away! At the expo I saw the boot for Marathon Travel Club and purchased a trip to Berlin Marathon the same year, also 2004, and boy, this did me in for good. Life has not been the same since. As you can imagine from reading off this blog and my marathon race reports. Wow!

2006, 2007
I did not participate in 2005 as I was running London Marathon that year only a few weeks before and Stockholm a few weeks after. This was before the “madness” kicked in. However, I was back in Copenhagen in 2006 and again in 2007 where I made my first photo race report from this event. It was back in the days where the route finished at the Black Diamond in Copenhagen, a lovely day and many nice shots along the route; read here. The photo with my friend Claus Høier finishing in 3.45 in his tiger costume is just amazing!

This was the year we celebrated marathon no. 400 for Erhard Filtenborg, the first dane to achieve this landmark. 30-40 runners accompanied Erhard all the way, and a special wagon had been made to celebrate this extraordinary feat. It was yet another absolutely marvelous day in Copenhagen! Read all about it here.

A year with mixed weather and also the final year on the “old” route. I had my debut in the Spiderman costume and realized how much fun and good energy such spreads. Eventwise it was becoming clear that changes were needed to grow the race further. The report from year 2009 is very enjoyable and can be read here.

The year of the new route and the first year of the transformation of the Telenor Copenhagen Marathon from being a small local event to become a true international event and competitive as such. Logistics were greatly improved with these changes and the route… the route was just outstanding! I was lucky to shoot one of my best photos ever during this race, the one with the cobblestones.
Find the entire race report from year 2010 here.

The event was still improving and especially on the spectator front things were taking off. You could really feel the love all around the route in the danish capital and it was clear that Telenor Copenhagen Marathon was now on the brink to become a world class event. Good job, Sparta!
You find my pictures from this beautiful day here.

I was happy to celebrate my marathon no. 250 this year and there was quite a media take on this as well. Year 2012 also marks the only time I have managed to run a sub-4 in Copenhagen and would you know, on this very marathon day I made the first date with Maria, now the proud mother to our 2 lovely children. Yes, marathon running can open many doors, especially those to peoples feelings. In many ways this very race day ranks amongst my best ever, anywhere! The atmosphere in the streets was just electric as you can tell from my pictures; find my impressions from the amazing, truly amazing, Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2012 here.

Honestly, this was an off-year in many respects. First and foremost the weather was really bad, rain, warm and humid at the same time, very bad for running. Personally, I was stupid enough to run with a injury (small stress fracture). The event was nicely organised, obviously, so all in all, let us just move on. If you insist you find the report here.

My report states “cloudy and rain showers”, I guess this was another not-one-of-the-greatest years. However, the pictures gives mixed impressions: lots of cool stuff, very beautiful pictures, good vibes, happy runners. And yes, wet runners at the end / finish. It happens. Everywhere.
The report is here.

I was a spectator in 2015, so no photographs from my hand. However, I crafted a spectators guide, very amusing and funny, find it here.

So happy to be back in the streets of Copenhagen and wow, this year was just phenomenal. It was quite warm, yes, but there was sun and just such good energy out there, unbelievable! Add the fact that Telenor Copenhagen Marathon objectively has one of the best and representative of all city marathons in the world. Take my word for it! Or see for yourself, here.

So, in year 2017 I was nearly killed in a car accident three days before the race; so, no marathon for me, sadly. However, I was back in 2018 and in for the very warm day at the “office”. The day became truly unique for me personally as I had the honor of unexpectedly to spend the evening with the winner of the Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2018 William Morwabe of Kenya and his friends Paul Chege (multiple winner of H.C. Andersen Marathon in Odense) and Kirui Kosgei. Surely, in my 2018 race report you find the most beautiful and bright pictures from the Telenor Copenhagen Marathon you could ever imagine! Really. The link is here.

So now the 40-years celebration is here. I wish good luck to all runners, see you on Sunday May 19th in the streets of Copenhagen. Or perhaps even already Saturday at the fun run in Tivoli ?
Do come !

Kind regards, Tor Rønnow

Skopje Marathon 2019

Saturday May 4th 2019 I completed the Wizz Air Skopje Marathon 2019 in North Macedonia.
Find below my full race coverage plus a few tourist impressions from the beautiful city Skopje.

Wizzair Skopje Marathon 2019 - Tor Rønnow

Skope City and Old Town
Skopje is the Captal of North Macedonia and as such a very small city, however, extremely scenic with the old Stone Bridge as the main attraction I would say. I think I took the largest number of picturesque photographs within like 30 minutes I have ever taken any where and since North Macedonia made it my marathon country no. 46 I have seen stuff around. Other attractions include the Mother Teresa Park and the vast number of statues in Skopje (in the Old Town).

Skopje Marathon 2019
Skopje Marathon 2019 was a very well organized event featuring a half marathon, a full marathon, a marathon relay a 5 K race and a “team builing race”, whatever that is. The route for the marathon was VERY FLAT and was comprised by two identical (half marathon) loops along several of the landmarks in and nearby Skopje City. I’d say this is one – if not THE – flatest city marathons I have ever been to (a total of 76 height meters!!!), very easy route. I like it that way.

Wizzair Skopje Marathon 2019 - Tor Rønnow
FINISH Wizzair Skopje Marathon 2019

See or relive Skopje Marathon 2019 here (and in macedonian, arabic, greek, albanian and turkish):

Skopje Marathon 2019 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Skopje Marathon 2019 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Skopje Marathon 2019 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Skopje Marathon 2019 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Skopje Marathon 2019 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Skopje Marathon 2019 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Skopje Marathon 2019 – TorRønnow(中國)的圖片
スコピエマラソン2019 – TorRønnowの写真(日本語) Sukopiemar
Skopje Marathon 2019 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Skopje Marathon 2019 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Antalya Marathon 2019

Sunday March 3rd 2019 I completed the Antalya Marathon 2019 in Turkey.
Find below my full race coverage plus a few tourist impressions from Antalya.

Hidirlik Tower - Antalya Marathon 2019 - Tor Rønnow

Antalya City and Old Town
Antalya City took me by surprise by it’s large size and non-tourist impression. However, Antalya sports the Old Town and many landmarks herein, including the famous Hadrian’s Gate (a leftover from the Roman Empire) and beautiful views towards the Mediterranean Sea. The costline is packed with the large tourist hotels and people visit Antalya and the area not only for the beaches but also for excursions and playing golf. For sure, Antalya is a pleasant place to visit.

Antalya Marathon 2019
Antalya Marathon 2019 was a very well organized event featuring a half marathon, a full marathon and a 10 K race. The route was an out-home strech, quite scenic at places and along several of the landmarks in and nearby Antalya City.

Antalya Marathon 2019 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive Antalya Marathon 2019 here (and in arabic, urdu, hindi, punjabi and turkish):

Antalya Marathon 2019 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Antalya Marathon 2019 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Antalya Marathon 2019 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Antalya Marathon 2019 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Antalya Marathon 2019 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Antalya Marathon 2019 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
安塔利亞馬拉松2019年 – TorRønnow(中國)的圖片
アンタルヤマラソン2019 – TorRønnowの写真(日本語)
Antalya Marathon 2019 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Antalya Marathon 2019 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)