Tor Rønnow

6 Star Finisher 7 Continents Finisher 75 Marathon countries Author of best-seller running book Mountain hiker Off-piste alpine skier Chess player

Muscat Marathon 2019

Friday January 18th 2019 I completed the Muscat Marathon 2019 in Oman. Find below my full race coverage plus some tourist impressions from the surprisingly amazing and friendly country of Oman.

Wadi Al Shab - Muscat Marathon 2019 - Tor Rønnow

Muscat City and Wadi Al Shab
Oman is just south of Saudi Arabia and that itself might put some prejudicial fears into you, but let´s get it straight right from the top: Oman is a SUPER friendly, interesting and nice country to visit. I had only like three days and quickly realized that I could easily have used 2-3 weeks to exhaust all the stuff there is to explore in this gem of a Gulf State. There is simply everything! A vast, beautiful sea line, desserts, mountains, luxury hotels and malls to fulfill any desire and a warm and friendly outlife on cafées, restaurants etc. As you will find in the report I undertook a 10 hours tourist tour Saturday after the marathon and amongst things I visited was one of the major landmarks in Oman, namely the incredible Wadi Al Shab. I am sure the pictures will blow you away!

Muscat Marathon 2019
Muscat Marathon 2019 somewhat unexpected turned out to be an insanely warm and humid experience; even the locals suffered! The race took off from Al Mouj at 6.30 AM Friday morning and the route was partly scenic and partly less so. It was, however, nicely flat all the way and the helpers were friendly and forthcoming. There was a time limit of 6 hours which I just barely met, but grace was given to the last few runners needing a bit more time. I guess the biggest WOW of the event was the chance to meet former elite runner Paula Radcliffe at the race EXPO, I was lucky enough to get a few pictures and a short chat. Great! Radcliffe is of the opinion that Muscat Marathon belongs on any runners bucket list, read about that here.

Muscat Marathon 2019 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive Muscat Marathon 2019 here (and in , arabic, urdu, hindi, punjabi, and turkish):

Muscat Marathon 2019 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Muscat Marathon 2019 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Muscat Marathon 2019 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Muscat Marathon 2019 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Muscat Marathon 2019 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Muscat Marathon 2019 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
馬斯喀特馬拉松2019年 – TorRønnow(中國)的圖片
マスカットマラソン2019 – TorRønnowの写真(日本語)
Muscat Marathon 2019 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Muscat Marathon 2019 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018

Sunday December 9th 2018 I completed the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 in Singapore. Find below my full race coverage plus some tourist impressions from the beautiful and amazing Singapore.

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

Singapore City
The first thing that strikes you in Singapore is: the heat! Boy, this is a warm place to be! The second thing is the business and mobile fixation of merely EVERYBODY, and thirdly the tidyness and order all around. Beware, if you leave something (trash) on the street, you will get fined, prosecuted and go to jail! For real! 

But make no mistake: Singapore is an amazing city to visit, lots of impressive malls and shops, a beautiful skyline and of course the luxurious Bay area including the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, the Merlion and the Fullerton hotels. As seen in the report I also visited Chinatown, Singapore and Little India and the Gardens by the Bay.

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 was an insanely warm and humid experience taking off from the Singapore Formula One track at 04.30 AM and with temperatures reaching 32 degrees C during the race. Even at the start it was too warm for running (under “normal conditions”) but still I managed to run until the sun arose at around 7 AM. The route was partly scenic and the fixpoint throughout the day was for sure the majestic Marina Bay Sands building. 

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 here (and in vietnamese, thai, malagasy, indonesian, filipino):

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
渣打新加坡馬拉松2018 – TorRønnow(中國)的照片/照片
スタンダードチャータードシンガポールマラソン2018 – TorRønnowの写真/写真(日本語)
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2018 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018

Sunday November 18th 2018 I completed the Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 in Cyprus. Find below my full race coverage plus some tourist impressions from beautiful Larnaka.

Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

Larnaka City
Larnaka is one of the oldest cities/settements in the western civilization and points towards Greece in many ways. However, the top-1 attraction remains the beautiful Church of Saint Lazarus (widely covered in my report) not to mention the views of the sea and the relazed atmosphere in this very small city. As seen, I also visited the Kamares Aqueduct and the Larnaca Salt Lake and a few other places of general interest.

Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018
Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 was a really good experience runningwise: nice, scenic route, well organized and an event with several distances, thus with a “family” appeal. The races took off from the Town Hall in Larnaka and passed most of the landmarks in and sorrunding the city, worth mentioning is the mosque Hale Sultan Tekke, the Salt Lake and, of course, the beautiful Mediterranian Sea. It is for sure a somewhat long journey from central Europe to Cyprus and Larnaka but I think the race fully justifies a trip.

Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 here (and in greek, turkish and hebrew):

Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 – TorRønnow的圖像/照片(中文)
ラディソン・ブルー・ラルナカ国際マラソン2018 – TorRønnowの画像/写真
Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon 2018 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Brussels Airport Marathon 2018

Sunday October 28th 2018 I completed the Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 in Belgium. Find below my full race coverage plus some tourist impressions from beautiful Brussels.

Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

Brussels City
Brussels city contains the very picturesque Grand Place (on the UNESCO World Heritage list) including numerous extremely beautiful facades, buildings, City Hall and what not. In addition Brussels sports the famous sculpture “Manneken Pis” as well as the headquarters for EU and NATO. You find a lot of nice cafés and chokolade shops and getting a beer is also not too difficult. So what’s not to like ?

Brussels Airport Marathon 2018
Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 was in two words: COMPLETELY AWESOME

The event took off from the Parc du Cinquantenaire and took the runners on a tour de force of scenic places in the belgian capital and nearby sorroundings. The route was VERY HILLY and came by a number of the most important landmarks in Brussels. Alongside maraton it was possible to run half marathon and a kids run. I give this event the very very, very best of my recommendations and you will understand from the race report just why. This is just so much a MUST DO race!

Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 here:

Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
布魯塞爾機場馬拉松2018 – TorRønnow(中國)的圖像/照片
ブリュッセル空港マラソン2018 – TorRønnowの画像/写真(日本語)
Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Brussels Airport Marathon 2018 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018

Sunday September 16th 2018 I completed the Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018. Find below my full race coverage including pictures from the press conference with the elite runners.

Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018
Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018 is now an IAAF Gold Label Race and this past Sunday it completely met the expectations for such an event. The stellar elite field blasted away in the streets of Copenhagen, no less than eight men finished below 60 minutes (never happened before in the same race) and on the female side Sifan Hassan won in a new european record time!

And the rest of us ? We just had a superb day in the danish capital as you will understand from the report that takes you through the whole deal as if you were really there yourself.

Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018 here:

Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
哥本哈根半程馬拉松賽2018 – 托爾Rønnow的圖片(中國)
コペンハーゲンハーフマラソン2018 – TorRønnowの写真(日本語)
Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Copenhagen Half Marathon 2018 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)