Tor Rønnow

6 Star Finisher 7 Continents Finisher 75 Marathon countries Author of best-seller running book Mountain hiker Off-piste alpine skier Chess player

Isle of Man Marathon 2018

Sunday August 12th 2018 I completed the Isle of Man Marathon 2018 . Find below my full race coverage from this at places rather scenic race .

Isle of Man Marathon 2018
Isle of Man Marathon 2018 was a tough challenge due to the unlikely hot and humid conditions on the race day and due to the uneven scewed roads (and with full public traffic!) On the personal note the trip was further destroyed by a missed plane in London, Gatwick and high extra expenses for the trip overall and the lost Friday and Saturday in Isle of Man. Furthermore, I was hampered by great pains during the run and I guess too poor training efforts as well, which took me somewhat by surprise.

So unfortunately, the Isle of Man Marathon 2018 goes down as one of my worst both travel and running experiences ever, and I have a hard time to recommend this race or target of travel destination to anyone.

Isle of Man Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive Isle of Man Marathon 2018 here:

Isle of Man Marathon 2018 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Isle of Man Marathon 2018 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Isle of Man Marathon 2018 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Isle of Man Marathon 2018 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
馬恩島馬拉松2018 – TorRønnow(中國)的圖片
マン島マラソン島の島2018 – TorRønnowの写真(日本語)
Isle of Man Marathon 2018 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Isle of Man Marathon 2018 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Isle of Man Marathon 2018 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Isle of Man Marathon 2018 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018

Sunday June 16th 2018 I completed the Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 in Norway. Find below my full race coverage from this unique race under the midnight sun.

Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018
Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 was a tough challenge in inclement weather and with sparse enjoyment of the magnificient views on the norwegian mountains around Tromsø. The event was, however, superbly organized and it was of course quite special to run in the midnight sun indeed. I was lucky to shoot better photos of the lovely and scenic nature at Tromsø the day after the race and I will try to return another year in the hope for better weather and a clear sky. All this said, I am quite happy with this litlle norwegian adventure.

Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 here (and in norwegian):

Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
裡加馬拉松2018 – TorRønnow(日語)的圖片
Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 – TorRønnowの写真(日本語)
Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Tromsø Midnight Sun Marathon 2018 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Riga Marathon 2018

Sunday May 20th 2018 I completed the Riga Marathon 2018 in Latvia. Find below my full race coverage plus some tourist impressions from beautiful Riga.

Riga Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

Riga City
Riga City contains the very picturesque Old City (on the UNESCO World Heritage list) including numerous extremely beautiful facades, buildings, churches and what not. In addition Riga city and it’s sorroundings is very green with many parks and nice areas to simply sit and enjoy life. The price level in the latvian capital here is very affordable and I surely recommend – and look forward to my next – visit.

Riga Marathon 2018
Riga Marathon 2018 was in two words: COMPLETELY AWESOME

The event took off from the foot of the Riga Castle and took the runners on a tour de force of scenic places in the latvian capital. The route was fairly flat and sportet most of the major landmarks in Riga. Alongside maraton it was possible to run half marathon and 5 and 10 K. I give this event the very very, very best of my recommendations and you will understand from the race report just why. This is just so much a MUST DO race!

Riga Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive Riga Marathon 2018 here (and in latvian):

Riga Marathon 2018 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Riga Marathon 2018 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Riga Marathon 2018 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Riga Marathon 2018 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
裡加馬拉松2018 – TorRønnow(日語)的圖片
Riga Marathon 2018 – TorRønnowの写真(日本語)
Riga Marathon 2018 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Riga Marathon 2018 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Riga Marathon 2018 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Riga Marathon 2018 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Belfast Marathon 2018

Monday May 7th 2018 I completed the Belfast Marathon 2018 in Northern Ireland. Find below my full race coverage plus some tourist impressions from Belfast.

Belfast Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

Belfast City
Both the location and the beauty of Belfast city took me by a complete surprise: what a lovely and friendly city indeed! I have a hard time to understand the troubles this capital and region was though in the IRA-period and how these extremely friendly habitants of Belfast are tied to their sad past of terror and war on religions. It makes me very sad that generations of children have grown up here in hatred and fear. Well, that makes me sad for all over the world, but as a child of the 70-ties the IRA and bombings the awareness of this particular conflict is still in mind. I remember movies like “In the Name of the Father” and the fear of travelling to London and reports of school kids being murdered in the streets. Why ? Give up your children or others children – for … what ? Tell me again. I just don’t get it, I will never accept it and this trip to this wonderful city makes it even less understandable: I simply LOVED Belfast!

Titanic Belfast
Titanic Belfast is the most wanted attraction anno 2018, so they say. This somewhat new museum sports the history and making of the legendary ship Titanic and is also from an architechtural point of view a visit worth while. I have tried not to spoil too much in my report, rather hint just how wonderfully interesting Titanic Belfast is. You should visit Belfast just for this and to be honest, Belfast Titanic is the reason why I did just everything to get into the Belfast Marathon this year. Not to take away gold from thr Belfast Marathon – that was a great event too, as you can read below.
Belfast Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

Belfast Marathon 2018
Belfast Marathon 2018 took of at 9 AM Monday morning of the bank holiday. The event was nicely organized and no less than 37.000 participated in the combined events including the marathon relay. The route was scenic at times and overall very demanding, sporting a whooping 259 height meters up and 235 down, making me wanna cry during the last couple of miles. The route also covered some of the “troubled” parts of Belfast with reference to the IRA-period and the sad religion war /history, cf. above. But see for yourself in the full race report below to make your own impressions of the Belfast Marathon 2018.

Belfast Marathon 2018 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive Belfast Marathon 2018 here:

Belfast Marathon 2018 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Belfast Marathon 2018 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Belfast Marathon 2018 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Belfast Marathon 2018 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Belfast Marathon 2018 – TorRønnow的照片(中文)
ベルファストマラソン2018 – TorRønnowの写真(日本語)
Belfast Marathon 2018 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Belfast Marathon 2018 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Belfast Marathon 2018 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Belfast Marathon 2018 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Royal Run ’18

Monday May 21th 2018 I participated in Royal Run ’18. Find below my full race coverage from this unique event in celebration of the 50th year birthday of the Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark.

Royal Run '18 - Tor Rønnow

Royal Run ’18
Royal Run ’18 took place in no less than 5 danish cities, namely Aalborg, Aarhus, Esbjerg, Odense and lastly Copenhagen, where our Prince ran 10 K as opposed to his 1 Mile in the other cities. My report below covers the 10 K run in Copenhagen which was held in the evening of this beautiful summer day and with a stunning +25.000 runners out on a truly majestic route in the danish capital.

See or relive Royal Run ’18 here :

Royal Run ’18 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Dansk)
Royal Run ’18 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Royal Run ’18 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Royal Run ’18 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Royal Run ’18 – TorRønnow的照片(中文)
ロイヤルラン’18 – TorRønnowの写真(日本語)
Royal Run ’18 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Royal Run ’18 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Royal Run ’18 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Royal Run ’18 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)