Tor Rønnow

6 Star Finisher 7 Continents Finisher 75 Marathon countries Author of best-seller running book Mountain hiker Off-piste alpine skier Chess player

Magnus Carlsen – the Norwegian Chess Genius !

Norwegian genius ?

Let me think… Henrik Abel (mathematics), Edward Grieg (composer) and Edward Munch (painter).
That’s about it, isnt it ?

No !

Today, young Magnus Carlsen grabbed his first World Champion Title in Chess, ie. in speedchess and totally destroying all opposition on his way. Incredible ! And this comes only a few weeks after his phenomenal win at the M-Tel Masters tournament where he prevailed with a stellar +6 score out of 10 against the strongest players on the Planet.

Carlsen has recently been trained by the perhaps strongest chessplayer ever, Gary Kasparov, and this collaboration has for sure been fruitful already, Carlsen currently being the highest ranked chessplayer in the World. Congrats !!!

The first GARMIN Rudersdal Marathon Double

This past weekend was quite hectic for me. Not only were two very tough marathons to be digested, I also stood as the organizer of both ! Fortunately, I had great and invaluable help from the pacekeepers and various others making the events come true and we all enjoyed the fantastic support from the two main sponsors, GARMIN and LØBEREN as well. Thank you so much, all, participants, helpers, friends and sponsors ! Thank you !

GARMIN Rudersdal marathon 8 (HOPENHAGEN marathon)
Saturday was the ‘big race day’ with 150 registered runners from all over Denmark (!) plus our swedish usual suspect, my mentor Lennart Skoog (marathon no. 626 on the day/ #57 in 2009 !!!). We were graced by visit from GARMIN demonstrating the latest GARMIN Connect technology and we were also blessed with a perfect day for running with very mild weather and no rain (!). Yeahh !

I have received tons of very positive feedback after the event and the runners were generally extremely happy with the event… which means the world to me ! There are always a few hickups in any race and mine here was no exception… the few flaws will be dealt with as good as possible in the future. Well, in conclusion, we had a great experience Saturday at GARMIN Rudersdal Marathon 8… see for yourself here.

GARMIN Rudersdal Cannonball 13
Then Sunday came a so-called Cannonball marathon, ie. a race on modest conditions and own supplies. Nevertheless, a pack of eleven runners were up for the doublet and up for the extremely tough route in Skodsborg just north of Copenhagen. Luckily, we were once again blessed with good weather and even a bit of sunshine… and thus we all prevailed in completing the score for this challenging weekend.

You find the visual insights from this event here.

LØBEREN Skovmarathon 2009

After being tied to the bed for a week – due to a flu, not fun – I somehow managed to rise and even complete the quite demanding LØBEREN Skovmarathon (Forrest marathon) this Sunday.

Afterwards, I actually felt better than before the race, tired of course but still more ‘fresh’. Thus, it was a pleasure to return to work and the nomal everyday today. I guess a good jogg can function as a kind of ‘treatment’ if administered with care. Who knows ?

Anyways… you find the delightful pictures from LØBEREN Skovmarathon 2009 here. Enjoy !

100 marathons in two years

Actually, when I completed Amsterdam Sunday I did also close marathon no. 100 in two years minus one day !

It has been a busy time… and more is to come the forthcoming years. Next year is scheduled to contain fewer dublets, however with the probable run against Skövde 5-days, Bornholm-7-days and Allermöher-day-triplet things will continue to evolve.

A serious attack against those sub-4 is expected as well.

Amsterdam marathon 2009

Yesterday I managed to complete Amsterdam marathon for the second time.

Im always happy to write a finished marathon on my list, but this one was a particular great experience. Firstly, the race was superbly organised and thus a pleasure to particiate in… good, flat route, lots of helpers and well-equiped supply-stations and, perhaps most importantly for the day, absolute PERFECT running conditions with 12-13 degrees and no wind. A dream coming true, you could say.

Secondly, I completed my marathon no. 50 for year 2009, a feat thus far only achieved by one Danish citizen, my good friend “Stormester” (Grand Master) Mogens Pedersen.. also this year, by the way.

Thirdly, I managed to set a new personal best time, chopping of 8.5 minutes of my previous PB. Thus, adding the inspiring eye-sights (of different kinds !) and cosy atmosphere of Amsterdam, yes, its absurb not to say that it was an awesome weekend.

Oh well.. I took a few pictures as usual as well… you find the pictures from Amsterdam marathon 2009 here.