We do not have very adventurous Nature in Denmark like mountains and stuff, however we do have other kinds of scenic eye-pleasers… in the landscapes, that is 😉
Last weekend I participated in the very cosy ‘Beer Marathon’ arranged by my running friend Michael Nielsen. The race was very demanding and it was only barely that I managed not to pull a DNF. There was food and party after the race, a very nice occasion to speak with the running mates… when not running. You can see pictures from Beer marathon here.
Seeland Double
Then this past weekend, my running mate Anders Munch Madsen and I closed two beautiful Nature Marathons on Seeland, Denmark. Saturday we ran GARMIN Rudersdal Cannonball 5 which was as usually a nice but also quite tough run. You find the dripping wet pictures here .
Then Sunday we ran the awaited Nature Marathon starting in Slagelse, this race being the best marathon in Denmark the past two years. Well, several other races content for that prize as well so it is difficult to be very conslusive… but it is indeed for certain that Nature Marathon is a uniquely beautiful, challenging and even fun marathon to complete. You find the 2009 pictures here.