Tor Rønnow

6 Star Finisher 7 Continents Finisher 75 Marathon countries Author of best-seller running book Mountain hiker Off-piste alpine skier Chess player

Medoc marathon 2008

I was happy to run Medoc marathon this Saturday… boy oh boy, what a great run and what a great party !

The run takes off with dancing babes and lots of music… and then transforms into a 42 k wine taste though the Wine  Castles of Medoc (just outside Bordeaux, France). The Wine is of course the major attraction of the race, however, the fact that more than 90 % of the runners are dressed up in all kinds of outfits is what really adds to the fun. And after the race, the party continued in and beside the tents of the finish area with free food, wine, beer and what have you. JUST PERFECT … and unlike any other marathon in the world !

Medoc marathon 2008

You find the amazing pictures here.

Blue in Green

If only.

If only I could keep the state of being Blue in Green…

… when things go astray…
… when the kids are fighting…
… when work is stressfull…
… when the others are annoying…

Sure sounds like Miles Davis found a path to bliss, eternal transcendence and humor as well. If only one could keep such moments during the tougher and often daily chaotic times of life. If only !

World Run II

This past Sunday, my running friend Jesper Kenn Olsen payed a visit…. running, of course. Indeed, we ran a whole marathon and not quite alone…. no, +100 runners were signed in to the ‘Strandvejsmarathon’ from Helsingore to Copenhagen. Jesper is the first runner on the planet to run across the Globe passing 4 continents and +26.000 km… this was his historic achievement in World Run I.

Jesper Kenn Olsen at World Run II / Strandvejsmarathon 2008

Now, Jesper and Sarah Barnett is up to +40.000 km during WRII, believe it if you can ! Well, I can not ! But it was a great pleasure to follow Jesper and Sarah this nice, sunny Sunday…. which is clear from the pictures here.

Keep up the good work, Jesper and Sarah… and best wishes for your trip ! You are truly awesome and amazing !

08.08.08 08.08 AM


My friend and marathon race organizer Michael Nielsen thought that we should run a marathon including the details in the subject line. So we did ! It was a beautiful little race wih 21 participants and a quite tough route including a very sneaky hill… we had to run the roundtrip 12 times ! We did !

In FRONT of the pack at Cannonball marathon 08/08/08

Next day… my ‘own’ race GARMIN Rudersdal marathon. 46 participants and a great day on the fantastic RudersdalRuten just north of Copenhagen. This marathon is actually one of the absolute tougher ones in Denmark… so doing a double including this one is no joke for sure ! But as often before, Anders and I endured and could thus sign up additionally two races on the scorecard. Boy, what a long ‘long’ weekend…

… 84 km and a lot of experiences richer ! WE WANT MORE 😉

The fast runners at GARMIN Rudersdal marathon 09/08/08

Check the many pictures from my list ‘MY MARATHONS’ as always.

The Prayer

I call upon ye, the Dimensions I sense but cannot justify.
I call upon ye, you Guides that lead with unhearable voices.
I call for help !

I was warned not to go into the Naked Forrest,
the Fortress of Hell, the Home of Deciet, the Garden of Lies.
But I did. And now I suffer. For too long, now.

I lost the Faith I was brought up to believe in.
Now, I can’t settle Peace with myself for my own bad Judgement.
Nothing was taken from me but yet I have lost everything.

The Irrationality of Feelings is truly perplexing ! Make it stop !
Please, hidden Masters, show me the Path and I promise
not to enter the Naked Forrest again. Ever.

Whisper me the Map.
Hint me the Direction.
Let the White Light Shine in my Heart again.