Friday January 10th 2025 I ran the Egyptian Marathon in Egypt. Find below my full race coverage from this marathon and superb tourist impressions from both the Great Pyramid in Giza and from Luxor.
Cairo and the Pyramids in Giza
My trip started out with an evening in Cairo, ie. more precisely in Giza, even more precisely: Hotel Great Pyramid Inn, where I sat eating on the balcony on the 5th floor overlooking the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx, just an incredible experience!
Luxor and the Valley of Kings
It was a very short day, but we managed to see quite a lot: Luxor is just mindblowing! We started off with the Hatshepsut Temple, that followed by the Colossi of Memnon, the (Habu) Temple of Ramesses III and, importantly – the main attraction – the Valley of the Kings. There, we saw the tombs of Merenptah (KV 8), Tutankhamun (!, KV 62), Ramses V/VI (KV 9), Ramses III (KV 11) and the majestic Sety 1 (KV 17), just out of this world extraordinary experiences! To wander the history of the past like 3500 years is just, well, I cannot find the words for it but I am truly grateful to have seen all these sites (it will take some time to digest and further investigate). OK, so in the evening I saw also the Karnak Temple by night, another complete and overwhelming feat of the Old Egyptians, thier Gods and Pharaohs. Brilliant stuff!
Egyptian Marathon 2025
The event carried a multitude of distances: marathon, half marathon (Luxor Run), Ramses Run (12 K) and Hatshepsut Run (5K). The marathon was four times the same loop, there were some height meters in the mix and the Sun took a toll on us slower runners as well, but overall a fine experience, well organized for sure. Oh, and in the morning: the balloons! Oh my! There were big and so many of them. Spectacular! I’d say that this marathon is not to be missed, ie. the context of the event not to be missed; Luxor!

See or relive the Egyptian Marathon 2025 here (and in Arabic)