
Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024

Sunday June 9th 2024 I ran the Laguna Phuket Marathon in Thailand. Find below my full race coverage from this marathon, the 10K race Saturday and some tourist impressions from beautiful Phuket.

Phuket, Big Buddha, Elephants and Banana Beach
This was my first visit to Thailand and with less than 3 days there in toto in managed to visit a few of the “must see” attractions on the Phuket Island, most notably the Big Buddha, some Buddhist Temples, some beaches, some Elephants and the Phuket Old Town.

The Thai are very friendly people and the food is cheap, spicy and quite outstanding, so there’s a lot of reasons to visit. June is off-season so the beaches very largely empty, I guess everything is very much different in the main tourist seasons. Only regret is missing out on a Thai Massage, time did not allow.

However, I made some news friendships during this short time span in Thailand, see in the race report below: when you open up, the world delivers back; Thai karma for sure, Big Buddha would be pleased.

Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 - Tor Rønnow - Big Buddha

Laguna Phuket 10K
The event carried a 5K and a 10K Saturday morning (and a 2K Kids Run), I ran the 10K, start at 06.00 AM in already very warm and humid conditions. The route was a nice, easy loop around the Laguna and surroundings, however, it became quite “impossible” to run after the sun cam up so I walked like 6-7 km in toto, I saw no urgency to spill my body salts on this race 1 day before the marathon itself. Find the pictures from the 10K in the race report below, including these three charming runners.

Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 10 K - Tor Rønnow

Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024
Sunday, the event carried a marathon relay, a half marathon and the marathon itself, the latter shooting off at 04.00 AM in total darkness but still at 29 C and high humidity. The route took the runners up towards the International Airport, the main attraction along the course being a very scenic Buddhist Temple. Otherwise, the scenery was not of much interest but had a somewhat tranquil sense to it. Overall, the organization of the race was pretty much flawless and it’s easy to recommend this event to other runners.

Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive the Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 here (and in Thai and Malaysian)

Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)
Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
2024 年普吉島樂古浪馬拉松賽 – 圖片/照片由 Tor Rønnow(中文)提供
ラグーナ・プーケットマラソン 2024 – 画像/写真 by Tor Rønnow (日本語)
Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Laguna Phuket Marathon 2024 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)

Two Oceans Marathon 2024

Saturday April 13th 2024 I ran the Two Oceans Ultra Marathon (56K) in South Africa. Find below my full race coverage from this marathon and some tourist impressions from Cape Town.

Cape Town and Table Mountain
This was my first visit to South Africa, the country renown for Nelson Mandela and a rather noisy Soccer World Cup some years back. Also, Cape Town and the southern point of the African Continent, Cape Agulhas, should be know to many people out there. Cape Town is the most “European” city in South Africa and I was really surprised by this and the vastness of town, huge! The first and foremost tourist attraction is the Table Mountain, a flat-topped and scenic mountain forming a prominent landmark overlooking the city of Cape Town. I also enjoyed the Victoria Wharf and, especially, playing the street chess players there. Lastly, I had a short visit in the colourful suburb Bo-Kaap.

Two Oceans Marathon 2024 - Tor Rønnow

Two Oceans Ultra Marathon 2024
The event carried the Ultra Marathon (Saturday) and a Half Marathon (Sunday), both with start and finish in the neighborhoods of Newlands, Cape Town. The Ultra Marathon was send of in seeded batches, I started at 05.35 AM. The attraction of the route is – as the name of the event indicates – running by the two Oceans: first the Indian Ocean and then the Atlantic Ocean and here climbing the breathtaking Chapmans Peak Drive. This was indeed a treat for the eyes but also quite a challenge for the body! As you can read in the race report, my experience with this race was somewhat destroyed by the poor – catastrophical! – race management and the so-called “cut scandal” (read more about this in the race report). However, I will keep my memories to the fact that I did indeed complete my first Ultramarathon (56K) at this Two Oceans Marathon 2024 and, as the report shows, including some unique and scenic views along the hilly and tough route. I’d say: don’t go to this race unless you easily finish in 4 hours 15 minutes in a normal city marathon.

Two Oceans Marathon 2024 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive the Two Oceans Marathon 2024 here (and in Zulu, Xhosa, Africaans and Swahili)

Two Oceans Marathon 2024 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Two Oceans Marathon 2024 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)
Two Oceans Marathon 2024 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Two Oceans Marathon 2024 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
2024 年兩洋馬拉松 – 圖片/照片由 Tor Rønnow(中文)提供
ツー・オーシャンズ・マラソン 2024 – 画像/写真 by Tor Rønnow (日本語)
Two Oceans Marathon 2024 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Two Oceans Marathon 2024 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Two Oceans Marathon 2024 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Two Oceans Marathon 2024 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)

Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024

Sunday February 25th 2024 I ran the Kilimanjaro Marathon in Tanzania. Find below my full race coverage from this marathon and some tourist impressions from Moshi.

Moshi City and tour to the Materuni Waterfalls and fresh coffee
This was a trip with very little “tourism” involved for my part. Sadly, because Tanzania is abundant with incredible things to do and see, let’s mention the Kilimanjaro Mountain itself alongside with Serengeti and Zanzibar just for starters. My short visit alowed a quick meeting with friends from Tanzania in Moshi Town, a cappucino on the Union Café in Moshi and a half-day visit to the Materni Waterfalls, which was very pleasant and with a few spottings of “wildlife” and coffee beans. Should I return to Tanzania another time, I would put aside at least 10 or 14 days to really explore this vast and fertile country.

Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 - Tor Rønnow

Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024
The event carried both the full marathon, a half marathon and a 5 K Fun Run. The marathon took off at 06.30 hours from the Moshi University Stadion and with a steady climb right from the beginning. Things got worse and worse again and overall this marathon is one of the toughest I have ever done, temperatures to rise to well above 30 degrees C late in the race for us slow runners. Nevertheless, the Organizers had relaxed the time limit of initially 6 hours, I used this to simply to walk to the finish, not risking anything health wise. “Kili” is the biggest running event in Tanzania and fameous as such, the runners in Tanzania return to the event year after year, big late parties are held etc. Realistically, this was my one and only attempt.

Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive the Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 here (and in Swahili)

Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)
Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
2024 年乞力馬扎羅馬拉松 – 圖片/照片由 Tor Rønnow(中文)提供
キリマンジャロマラソン 2024 – 画像/写真 by Tor Rønnow (日本語)
Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Kilimanjaro Marathon 2024 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)

Mumbai Marathon 2024

Sunday January 21th 2024 I ran the TATA Mumbai Marathon in India. Find below my full race coverage from this marathon and some tourist impressions from Mumbai.

Mumbai City
Friday, the Gateway of India provided a Majestic Welcome and the sight of the Gateway of India took my breath away. This colossal archway, a symbol of Mumbai, speaks volumes about India’s colonial past and its eventual freedom. As I walked closer, the intricate designs and the grandeur of the structure left me in awe. The bustling crowd, the sound of the waves, and the street vendors added to the lively atmosphere. It was more than just a monument; it was a lively, historical hub. From there, a ferry ride took me to the mystical Elephanta Caves on Elephanta Island; indeed a Journey into History The rock-cut caves, dedicated to Lord Shiva, were a sight to behold. The sculptures and carvings, dating back to the 5th century, told stories of a time long gone. Exploring these caves, I felt a deep connection to history and spirituality, a unique blend that only India can offer.

Saturday, I explored various landmarks including the Gandhi House, probably the most touching and deepfelt impressions from the whole trip: to have been “close” to the great Mahatma Gandhi, whose wisdom is needed in the World more than ever. I also ventured to the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a Architectural Marvel. The fusion of Victorian Gothic and traditional Indian architecture made this more than just a railway station; it was a piece of art. Watching trains arrive and depart, I felt the pulse of the city. The hustle and bustle were hypnotic, a testament to Mumbai’s never-sleeping nature.

Sunday after the TATA Mumbai Marathon, I found myself at the Marine Drive, Mumbai’s iconic sea-facing promenade As the sun began to set. The skyline, with the setting sun and the sea, was picturesque. Walking along the promenade, feeling the sea breeze, and watching the city lights come alive was magical. Marine Drive, also known as the Queen’s Necklace, truly lived up to its name.

Monday, my spiritual journey in Mumbai led me to the serene ISKCON Chowpatty (Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir) Temple, truly a Spiritual Oasis. The temple, with its tranquil ambiance and beautiful architecture, provided a peaceful retreat from the bustling city. As I walked through the temple, the chants and the aroma of incense filled the air, creating a meditative atmosphere. It was a place where spirituality and serenity intertwined, offering a unique perspective on the diverse religious tapestry of Mumbai. In the Temple, I met a Hare Krishna Monk, , who took me to several other temples, including the Shree Babulnath Mandir Charities where the inaguration of the new Lord Ram Mandir Temple in Ayodhya was celebrated. These few hours with this monk Pravin will remain my most special memory from Mumbai and India; for a long time.

TATA Mumbai Marathon 2024 - Tor Rønnow

TATA Mumbai Marathon 2024
The event carried both the full marathon, a half marathon, a 10 K race and a “dream run” (5.9 K), thus quite a large deal and indeed a IAAF Gold Race. The marathon took of at 05.00 AM nearby the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus and showcased some of the landmarks and sights also seen in the race report from the tourist impressions. It became quite warm (approx, 29 C) at about 9.30-10.00 AM, so I stopped running once I learned the the time limit was 7 hours (not 6). The next day, the news stated two people had died during the race, thus justifying my decision somewhat. Overall, I will recommed this event which I enjoyed and found to be very well organized. This top nice thing about the marathon: running and walking the streets of Mumbai with NO CARS around!

TATA Mumbai Marathon 2024 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive the TATA Mumbai Marathon 2024 here (and in Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Urdu, Kannada, Odia, Malayalam, Punjabi and Assamese)

Mumbai Marathon 2024 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Mumbai Marathon 2024 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)
Mumbai Marathon 2024 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Mumbai Marathon 2024 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
2024 年孟買馬拉松 – 圖片/照片由 Tor Rønnow(中文)提供
ムンバイマラソン 2024 – 画像/写真 by Tor Rønnow (日本語)
Mumbai Marathon 2024 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Mumbai Marathon 2024 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Mumbai Marathon 2024 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Mumbai Marathon 2024 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)

Shanghai Marathon 2023

Sunday November 26th 2023 I ran the Shanghai Marathon in China, the last international marathon for me this year. Find below my full race coverage from this marathon and many (!) tourist impressions from Shanghai.

Shanghai in two words: fucking wauuu!! OMG, this is an incredible megacity, metropole, display of construction power balancing infrastructure with green areas and new modern world with the historic. I just LOVED Shanghai and was happy to visit landmarks such as the 5 km long Pedestrian street Nanjing Road, The Bund, The Fairmont Peace Hotel (where I had 1 night overlay), the Buddhist Jing’an Temple, The Peoples Park and more. However, the main attraction remains: the incredible skyline, cf. below, with the Oriental Pearl Tower (at left) and the Shanghai Tower (at right, 3rd tallest builing in the world) dominating the scene. This view cannot be watched and enjoyed enough, simply world-class stuff!

Shanghai Marathon 2023 - Tor Rønnow

Shanghai Marathon 2023
The race took of at The Bund 07.00 hours and twisted around many areas, places and tall buildings in and near the historical center of Shanghai (I believe). The organisation of the race on race day was nothing less than flawless, e.g. the drink stations each featured two sections for sport drinks and water, respectively, each section typically comprised of +30 tables (!) and, thus, no fuzz or waiting time anytime during the race, very impressive indeed. The route was very scenic – to my taste – and had it’s Finish Line outside a soccer stadion. Here, a small improvement could perhaps be made: why not finish INSIDE the stadion, allowing spectators to sit and for a nicer finish? Anyways, I highly recommend the Shanghai Marathon, it is nothing short of a world class event on race day!

Shanghai Marathon 2023 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive the Shanghai Marathon 2023 here:

Shanghai Marathon 2023 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Shanghai Marathon 2023 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)
Shanghai Marathon 2023 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Shanghai Marathon 2023 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
2023 年上海馬拉松 – 圖片/照片由 Tor Rønnow(丹麥)提供
上海マラソン 2023 – 画像/写真 by Tor Rønnow (デンマーク語)
Shanghai Marathon 2023 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Shanghai Marathon 2023 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Shanghai Marathon 2023 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Shanghai Marathon 2023 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)