
Vilnius Marathon 2016

Vilnius Marathon 2016

Sunday September 11th 2016 I ran the beautiful Vilnius Marathon in Lithuania, one of several marathons and countries in the former Eastern Europe that I have had my eyes on for quite some time. To put it really short: I loved it ! The old city of Vilnius was very pleasant to stroll around in and the running event was very well organized. I give Vilnius Marathon my very best of recommendations.

Vilnius Marathon 2016 - Tor Rønnow

See or relive Vilnius Marathon 2016 here (Lithuanian version here):

Vilnius Marathon 2016 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Vilnius Marathon 2016 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Vilnius Marathon 2016 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
ビリニュスマラソン2016 – TorのRønnowの写真(日本)
Vilnius Marathon 2016 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Vilnius Marathon 2016 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Vilnius Marathon 2016 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Vilnius Marathon 2016 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Vilnius Marathon 2016 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Reykjavik Marathon 2016

Saturday August 20th 2016 I had the pleasure to add Reykjavik Marathon as completed in my list of marathons, no. 305 and country no. 24. I had brought my youngest son to Iceland and we had a short but really great trip. We saw a lot of cool things and made some new friends too ! Find below a few turist impressions followed by the race report itself.

Reykjavik Marathon 2016 - Tor Rønnow

Reykjavik, Puffins, Whales and the Blue Lagoon

For a chessplayer Reykjavik is forever linked to the name Bobby Fischer and the (cold war) World Chess Championschip held there in 1972. For a modern turist the city is the starting point of many adventures including Puffin trips, Whale watching and the famous Blue Lagoon. We had the incredible fortune to watch a humpback whale jump totally clear of the water surface, an experience just beyond belief and expectation.

Reykjavik Marathon 2016

The race day was blessed with beautiful sunshine and nice warm weather and hence the pictures turned out just great !

Reykjavik Marathon 2016 - Tor Rønnow

Reykajvik Marathon is not a very big marathon race, but the event is quite big since it also offers distances from 10 K and up,  including a half marathon. Start and finish is downtown Reykjavik and logistics is, hence, fairly easy. It was a very blissful run and especially the parts along the sea were soothing. The route did offer some hills but all in all a not too demanding route for sure. If you collect marathons you’ll have to go, of course, and there is plenty of other stuff to do once in Iceland.

See or relive Reykjavik Marathon 2016 here:

Reykjavik Marathon 2016 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Reykjavik Marathon 2016 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Reykjavik Marathon 2016 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
レイキャビクマラソン2016 – TorのRønnowの写真(日本)
Reykjavik Marathon 2016 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Reykjavik Marathon 2016 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Reykjavik Marathon 2016 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Reykjavik Marathon 2016 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Reykjavik Marathon 2016 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Six Star Finisher !

Name the six greatest marathons in the world ? Easy ! It is the six Abbott World Marathon Majors, namely the Berlin, London, Tokyo, New York, Chicago and Boston Marathons. Every marathoneer on the Globe wishes to run and participate in these six races and for good reason: these events are the pinnacle of the marathon tradition for the everyday, recreational runner and they set the standard which all other marathons must try to follow. These six events are the fix stars on the marathon sky – and in 6 great cities as well.

I ran my first Major in Berlin in September 2004 just four months after my marathon debut in Copenhagen. I was completely overwhelmed by the experience and immediately grew a strong appetite for more marathons and, especially, Majors. The next Major became London in April 2005 and by October 2007 I had become a “Five Star Finisher” completing Chicago Marathon as the last of the five. Only a handful of Danes had completed the five Majors at that time, and most of them had traveled together with the Marathon Travel Club, the danish Tour Organizer for these famous events.

In November 2012 the Tokyo Marathon was added to the Major family and for several years I passively “followed” more and more friends visiting the race. “Really ?”, I thought, “Tokyo ?”. Come on ! Well, I had the honor to participate myself this year and boy, does Tokyo Marathon deliver ? It is an event out of this world and for sure a worthy and proud addition. You must see the report ! Just wow !

Thus, I became a Six Star Finisher and I have both a Diploma (click to enlarge)…

… and a huge collective Six Star Finisher Medal to prove it ! By the time of writing 2084 persons are registered as Six Star Finishers, 41 of these are from Denmark.

I have also my original race Diplomas and my pictures and reports from these events, and I thought I would sum it up here to provide some inspiration on these wonderful and absolutely fantastic events. I cannot encourage you enough to undertake the quest for these six World Marathon Majors !

Abbott World Marathon Majors – Race Reports by Tor Rønnow

In this section you find links to my race reports from all my Majors (12 in toto at the date of writing). The reports are given in Danish, however, if you paste  in the URL into you can have them translated to any  language you like. Give it a try, the reports open in a new Window/pane. Below of this section I provide picture samples from each of the races including a very short introduction to each event. Click on a picture to see it in large size (opens in a new Window/pane).

Berlin 2004, 2006, 2012, 2013
London 2005, 2009, 2015
New York 2006, 2011
Boston 2007
Chicago 2007
Tokyo 2016

Berlin Marathon
Berlin was my first Major and I fell in love with it right at the starting field , 40.000 runners in one huge line-up at “Unter den Linden” in Berlin and with TV and helicopters sweeping the air with magic. There were cheering spectators at every meter along the race course and the spectacular finish running through the Brandenburger Tor was just incredible. Berlin Marathon: You will make history in a city of World History.

London Marathon
As a non-British it is very difficult to get into the London Marathon, thus I am a very, very happy man to have participated three times. The route is not very representative of London City but does include highlights such as the passing of the Tower Bridge and the spectacular finish at The Mall in front of Buckingham Palace. Personally, I find the last three miles and especially running by the Thames with Westminister Abbey and the Big Ben in the horisont to be the perhaps most intense miles of any marathon in the World.

New York City Marathon
Just to visit New York City is completely WOW, it is an amazing city with all the offerings you can wish for in one of the world’s biggest metropoles. So to run a marathon here and even through five boroughs, that is something quite extraordinary and memorable. I find the start at Staten Island crossing the Verrazano Bridge and the point just before arriving to Manhatten the first time to be THE gold moments on the route, however, hitting the crazy spectators on 1st Avenue and finishing off in Central Park are not bad stuff either. Go to New York and experience the biggest marathon in the World in the perhaps greatest city too. Oh, did I mention I ran in my Spiderman suit in 2011 ?

Boston Marathon
Boston Marathon is the oldest and possibly most prestigious marathon in the world. For North Americans this is THE only race on the planet: to qualify for Boston is the finest stamp you can get as a recreational runner. The route is a point-to-point thing and the 1 hour drive in the old,  yellow school buses to the start in Hopkinton is a fun way to steer up the race-day expectations. Once running you immediately feel the class of the entire field, there is a flow that you just don’t get elsewhere. The route takes you through various small towns to begin with, the screaming girls at Wellesley College, the Heartbreak Hill and finally the finish on Boylston St. in the city center.

Chicago Marathon
Chicago Marathon is flat, scenic and fun ! The city of Chicago has a lot to offer and the marathon itself is a classy event indeed. This is the race where I became a Five Star Finisher, it was a very special day not only because of that but also due to the fact that the race was partially suspended due to extremely high temperatures and several runners actually dying. Visit Chicago for this fine race and immerse yourself in the myths of Al Capone, Forrest Gump and Oprah Winfrey.

Tokyo Marathon
Tokyo Marathon is the perhaps most scenic of all the six Majors. It  is also the event that is most “unusual” in it’s context: being in Japan is a very unique experience on many levels and you surely do feel a bit “Lost in Translation” at times, but who cares, people are extremely friendly and there is so much to see in this gigantic metropole, yes, just walking the streets is an experience in itself, especially at iconic places like the Shinjuku Station and the Shibuya Crossing. It is a long and expensive ride to Tokyo, it is, however, worth every penny ! This is where I became  Six Start Finisher (February 2016) and I treasure this memory a lot.

That’s it. Go for the hunt of the Six World Marathon Majors !

ING Luxembourg Marathon 2016

ING Luxembourg Marathon 2016

Saturday May 28th 2016 I had the pleasure to participate in the ING Luxembourg Marathon, a race I’ve had on my radar for many years. It turned out to be a great and fun event running the streets of Luxembourg by night time, and I was happy to increase my pace the last few kilometers and thus make a “strong” finish. This event added to my list of marathon countries as country no. 23.

See or relive ING Luxembourg Marathon 2016 here:

ING Luxembourg Marathon 2016 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
ING Luxembourg Marathon 2016 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
ING Luxembourg Marathon 2016 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
INGルクセンブルクマラソン2016 – TorのRønnowの写真(日本)
ING Luxembourg Marathon 2016 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
ING Luxembourg Marathon 2016 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
ING Luxembourg Marathon 2016 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
ING Luxembourg Marathon 2016 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
ING Luxembourg Marathon 2016 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2016

Marathon no. 300 !

Sunday May 22nd 2016 I managed to complete my marathon no. 300 at the Telenor Copenhagen Marathon. It was my 11th appearance in this event and it turned out to be a very memorable day indeed with a sweeping blue sky and thousands of cheerful spectators along the beautiful and diverse route though the different hoods of Copenhagen. The weather conditions in one word: HOT! Already at km 8 I sensed where the temperature was going, so I deliberately lowered the pace and focused on a nice, comfortable and secure ride to the finish line. Copenhagen Marathon is for sure of international standard – just as it’s sibling Copenhagen Half Marathon – and I recommend all marathon runners to put list race in their list. So see you in 2017 !

See or relive Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2016 here:

Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2016 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2016 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2016 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
テレノールコペンハーゲンマラソン2016 – TorのRønnowの写真(日本)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2016 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2016 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2016 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2016 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Telenor Copenhagen Marathon 2016 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)