
The best Marathons in 2012

By tradition, I hereby give my you my take on the best marathons in 2012, i.e. amongst the ones I have participated in myself. Best does not necessarily mean ‘objectively best’ but does also emphasize the magnitude of the experience including ‘other’ factors such as city/nature facilities etc. not to mention my own performance.

I have divided the marathons into four groups and as always, you find links to the races via ‘My marathons’ in the menu.

1. Nykredit Copenhagen Marathon (Denmark)
2. Jungfrau Marathon (Switerzerland)
3. BMW Berlin Marathon (Germany)
4. Prague Marathon (Czech Republic)
5. Vienna Marathon (Austria)

City marathons
1. Nykredit Copenhagen Marathon (Denmark)
2. BMW Berlin Marathon (Germany)
3. Prague Marathon (Czech Republic)
4. Vienna Marathon (Austria)
5. Hamburg Marathon (Germany)

Nature runs
1. Jungfrau Marathon (Switerzerland)
2. Stockholm Jubileum Marathon (100 years 1912-2012) (Sweden)
3. Venice Marathon (Italy)
4. Kalkminemarathon [Limestone Mine Marathon] (Denmark)
5. LøbeMagasinet Rudersdal (Denmark)

Small races
1. Dr. Nielsens (Denmark)
2. Kalkminemarathon [Limestone Mine Marathon] (Denmark)
3. Kalundborg Vintermarathon (Denmark)
4. Sydkyst (Denmark)
5. Skinnermarathon (Denmark)

These are lists based on my personal experiences, of course. To mentain memory of the best races ‘ever’, I have a category of the ‘all-time best’ marathons as well. Here, the big marathons do live up to their famous names !

Best ever
1. New York (USA)
2. Zermatt (Switerzerland)
3. London (England)
4. Rome (Italy)
5. Chicago (USA)

Venice Marathon 2012

Sometimes you’re in luck, sometimes not. The latter was sadly the case for this year’s showcase of the Venice Marathon, the race saw some of the worst weather conditions ever and Venice City saw the highest floodings for two years during the marathon weekend.

Venice Marathon is special as for being a point-to-point marathon very similar to Boston Marathon, ie. a very long roadtrip in the country side…

… and endning up in the midst of the real deal, Venice City, at the very end.

The race is flat and probably quite fast under normal conditions and the organisation is “ok” (with some serious flaws, mind you). However, there can be little doubt that the real and primal attraction of this marathon in indeed Venice City itself…

… a romantic and seductive city…

… obviously with the Marcus Square and the Rialto Bridge as the most known attactions.

See or relive Venice Marathon 2012 here including pictures of Venice City:

Venice Marathon 2012 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)

Venice Marathon 2012 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)

Venice Marathon 2012 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)

BMW Berlin Marathon 2012 in pictures

I, the Dark Knight of marathons,
Tor Rønnow - BMW Berlin Marathon 2012

LOL, have visited Berlin Marathon twice before but this dates back to 2004 and 2006, being my marathon races no. 2 and 28 . A few more runs have been added to my list meanwhile, however, I was quite excited to revisit the German Capital for it’s famous often World Record setting race, one of the five World Major Marathons and for sure the race with most danes in it besides Nykredit Copenhagen Marathon (in Denmark).

We runners were blessed by a day with perfect weather for running, 14-16 degrees Celcius, no wind.

The route in Berlin is adventureous and diverse…

… alone the start itself is an experience for life …

.. with the swift passing of the Siegessäule…

… and many spectacular sights along the route…

… including the place (Rathaus Schöneberg) for the legendary words of President John F. Kennedy…

… and of course the Brandenburger Tor, almost, but only almost, named after me.

Obviously, Berlin Marathon is recommended with the highest possible of grades !

See or relive BMW Berlin Marathon 2012 here:

BMW Berlin Marathon 2012 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)

BMW Berlin Marathon 2012 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)

BMW Berlin Marathon 2012 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)

Jungfrau Marathon 2012

This Sunday I completed my 4th alp marathon and perhaps the most scenic of them all. Indeed, Swiss Alpine 42 K, Zermatt, and LGT Alpin Marathon are all incredible races and events but perhaps Jungfrau Marathon surpases them all. Not that it matters much which is “best”, it is the love for Running and for Nature that is the real deal here.

Ok, so Jungfrau Marathon starts in the Swiss city Interlaken (500 meters above sea level)

… and is actually almost completely flat the first like 15 k, then things start to happen…

.. and some really tough climbs are to be made…

… and the route ends at 2000 meters above sea level besides the majestic peak Jungfrau (4158).

I was deeply impressed by the superb and flawless organisation of this race, I was completely thrilled by the scenic landscapes of the route and I was so blessed to experience all this on a beautiful warm and sunny day in the Swiss Alps. Jungfrau Marathon is for sure a “must-have” experience if you’re into marathons.

See the stunning race here: Jungfrau Marathon 2012

A Runner on Horseback !

In case you did’nt know: we have lots of beautiful Nature in Denmark ! No, we don’t carry high mountains nor vast fields but we do treat you with green forrests and heaps of sea perfect for sailing or just soothing for the mind to view. So no wonder it’s possible to create such a super mini-holiday that I just did last week with three days of horse riding (!) and, to a lesser surprise, one day of marathoneering.


So, firstly a few pictures from the calm visit at Krogbækgaard on Læsø, a small island besides the top of Jutland, Denmark. Here, we loved the time with the islandic horses and the fun and extremely scenic trips in some otherwise not too easily accessible Nature. Woo !

Just behold this…

…and this. I can for sure recommend such a horsetrip, I absolutely loved it !

Nationalpark Thy Marathon 2012

Ok, then Saturday came a very scenic marathon as well and not too far from Læsø, namely on the westcoast of Jutland at Thy. It was my second visit to this race and this time in much better weather. Running along the sea was a blast…

.. and in all a very beautiful route (but quite tough as well).

The full picture report for these events is here: Krogbækgaard and Nationalpark Thy Marathon 2012 in pictures