
Amsterdam marathon 2009

Yesterday I managed to complete Amsterdam marathon for the second time.

Im always happy to write a finished marathon on my list, but this one was a particular great experience. Firstly, the race was superbly organised and thus a pleasure to particiate in… good, flat route, lots of helpers and well-equiped supply-stations and, perhaps most importantly for the day, absolute PERFECT running conditions with 12-13 degrees and no wind. A dream coming true, you could say.

Secondly, I completed my marathon no. 50 for year 2009, a feat thus far only achieved by one Danish citizen, my good friend “Stormester” (Grand Master) Mogens Pedersen.. also this year, by the way.

Thirdly, I managed to set a new personal best time, chopping of 8.5 minutes of my previous PB. Thus, adding the inspiring eye-sights (of different kinds !) and cosy atmosphere of Amsterdam, yes, its absurb not to say that it was an awesome weekend.

Oh well.. I took a few pictures as usual as well… you find the pictures from Amsterdam marathon 2009 here.

The Germans rule !

Well, when it comes to marathons I don’t see any real competition: the Germans simply rule !

And unlike soccer tournaments where they irritatingly at times just become better and better, they are remarkably consistent in their high level of perfection and dedication to getting just everything and all details right in their marathon events.

Yes, it’s a real pleasure to cross the southern border of Denmark when it comes to running ! I did so last weekend, having set up yet another wellness weekend in Hamburg. Saturday, we ran the Ôjendorfer See marathon in celebration of the German Unification Day 3 Oct. For once, I had a really crappy day with no energy or desire to run at all… but magically I woke up at about 30 k and actually made my best time in the sixth personal start in this race. You find the pictures here.

Heide-Elbe marathon

Then Sunday came what turned out to be one of the best and most eventful races this year, perfectly organized and for me personally just a totally ressouceful experience fully enjoying the beautiful and very varied Nature along the route. Brilliant day, simply… the pictures are here

Kaltenkirschener marathon

As we speak many friends are running at my friend Arne Franck of Kaltenkirschen, organizer of the very nice marathon there. I hope everybody have a great day there… I’m left with the memories from two years back.

In conclusion, do not miss to try on ANY marathon in Germany. You will be amazed by the high quality and actually also the friendlyness and helpfullness of the Germans. As I said, it is a pleasure !

25 again

How nice, I turned 25 again.

It is the sixth time, actually, so I’m getting quite used to it… but hey, it sure feels great 😉

This time was at Vänersborg marathon, one of my absolute favorite races… and I enjoyed the (sparse) company of my swedish Master Lennart Skoog as well… and the weather was just glorious !

You find the pictures and story from Vänersborg marathon here.

So.. my full list of turning 25 looks like this:

25    27.08.2006 Landskrona (Sweden)   Pictures
50    30.06.2007 Kristianopel (Sweden)   Pictures
75    20.04.2008 Zürich (Switerzerland)  Pictures
100  02.11.2008 Skovmaren (Denmark)  Pictures
125  26.04.2009 London (England)         Pictures
150  19.09.2009 Vänersborg (Sweden)   Pictures

Speakers Corner (Tors Klumme)

I have been assigned a new task… Tors Klumme. Take a look on my left menu 😉

well, I have been honered with the task of maintaining my own Speakers Corner called “Tors Klumme” on one of the best Danish Running Communities, . There, I will try to inspire with my marathon stories from all around. Of course, Im not an expert on training schedules or anything of the like, but hopefully my picture stories from the different marathons can continue to provide insight and delight. Also, I will take up twisted angles on stuff in Tors Klumme. Do read ;)

A Brilliant Weekend by the Sea

This past weekend I enjoyed – or rather suffered – to complete yet another two marathons. Saturday was a brilliant day on the Danish Island Samsø, and I was amongst the invited pacekeepers for the premiere of the race “Samsø marathon”.


Extremely beautiful Nature, very cosy atmosphere, eventful trip, lots of fun. Pictures here.

Strandvejsmarathon 2009
Then Sunday came Strandvejsmarathon 2009 and another extremely scenic experience. However, I kinda lost my energy after 15 k or so, and it was a tough job for me to pull it home. I guess the beautiful sunny day inspired me to just continue and continue, and I prevailed being the last man home. Well… who cares really, another doublet was booked and a lot of great memories from two perfectly arranged events.

You find the delightful pictures from Strandvejsmarathon 2009 here. Enjoy 😉