
Reaching for a Fourier-Transformed State of Grace

In Mathematics there is a special set of functions called Fourier-Transformations for which the outcome points have the special property to possess information of all the other points.

Would’nt it be great if we could assess such a spiritual state ? To be able in each moment to remember, rely on and act accordingly to the entire learnings of our lifetimes, to have instant access to the writings of the World Literature, to the notes of the Great Composers, to the colors and curves of the genious artists and to the feeling and sounds of Nature itself, from the high mountains to the endless sea ?

To be able to act out of wisdom and love in each second. To me, this is the quest !

To me, certain places and certain things immediately brings me to the State of Grace. The smiling eyes of my Children, the Norwegian mountains, a square in Rome… and, most conveniently, different pieces of music !

So… if I die now… or I do not see ‘you’ again… I will be right here… ouch !

Samsø marathon 2009 coming close

Saturday August 22th we will be participating in the much awaited premiere for the new Samsø marathon.

I have the honor of being one of two timekeepers for the 4.30 hours timegroup, indeed a task that should involve much fun as well as adequate time for taking some stunning pictures along the route which we hope turns out as scenic as anticipated.

You can read about and still register to Samsø marathon here, come join us !

A Friend says Goodbye (or runs in front ?)

Today, the Danish Marathon sub-culture was shocked by the news that our friend and fellow runner René Fasting passed away, much too young at age 45. We all came to know and treasure René the past couple of years, and I think he has left a distinct and lasting mark in our soules.

René will be missed in our small community of marathon running, but first and foremost by his kids and family whom we all send our condolences and deepest sympathy. We all might find hope in the belief that we will meet René again in some other Dimension, in Heaven, in a non-Earthly race some day. Who knows ?

Rest in Peace.

3100 Miles

If I ever were to run a spectacular ultrarun, The Self-Transcendence 3100 Miles run in New York could be the one. Normaly, we marathonrunners are quite happy to book a double or triple marathon… but hey, 3100 miles !!! As they would say in the States: OMG (Oh My God) !!!

I like the explicit connection between running and spirituality envisioned by Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the race. What I like about Chinmoy’s teachings is that he thought that “that real spirituality is not a retreat from the world; everything we do can be done from a spiritual perspective.” Well, you can read more about this one the referred website.

Anyways, Im delighted to actually know one of the runners this year, namely my German running collegue Purna-Samarpan Querhammer, whom I have spoken with several times at the Teichwiesen and Öjendorfer marathons in Hamburg, Germany. Purna is doing well in the 3100 Miles race and I wish him the best of luck for this extreme challenge.