
North Sea Beachmarathon 2009

Yesterday Sunday, I had the extreme pleasure and also very tough challenge to complete the renowed North Sea Beachmarathon, one of the toughest marathons in the World.

Imagine, 42 K in sand, that is really surreal when you think about it… for sure a big task both to body and perhaps especially mind to handle. However, the day and the race felt out perfectly, nice warm weather, indirect sun, a refreshing wind… and enough energy to pull through the race. Awesome !  You find the pictures and video from North Sea Beachmarathon 2009 here.

Furthermore, I was happy to book my first two-day triple.. as I actually ran two (!) marathons Saturday in Hamburg, Germany… the first starting at 05.00 and the second at 11.00 leaving me less than 50 minutes between finishing the first and starting the next. Imagine that ! You find the pictures from these two races via the list ‘My marathons’ in the menu at left. Enjoy !

Copenhagen marathon 2009

Yesterday, I had the honor to complete Copenhagen marathon 2009 together with many, many of old and new running mates, including the two new members of the Danish Klub 100 marathon, Claus Christensen and Peter Seider. Congratulations !

During the race, however, I owed thanks to Stephan Grabow for ‘pulling’ me through to a good time in my Spiderman suit… we had a great and amusing event running side by side for 42.195 km. Well, almost.

You find pictures from the race here.

End of Year Five

My first marathon was in Copenhagen, Denmark almost five years ago, ie. the 16.05.2004.

Thus, my personal marathon year spands from the 16th of May each year. Due to rest the next few weeks, I have now completed my first five years of marathon running :

Year 1: 4 marathons – including Berlin and London !
Year 2: 12 marathons – including Stockholm, Amsterdam, Dublin, Elbtunnel, Paris and Hamburg.
Year 3: 28 marathons – including New York, Boston, Rome, Barcelona, Vienna and ‘my own’ event GARMIN Rudersdal marathon.
Year 4: 36 marathons – including Chicago, Magdeburg, Paris, Zürich as the biggest events. Notably, I collected the last of the World Majors with the completion of Chicago Marathon.

Year 5: 46 marathons ! Including marathon no. 100 and two-on-one-date (28-jun-2008) as some of the memorable events. To be highlighted is also the fantastic Swiss Alpine 42 K, Zürich New Years Eve, Budapest, Frankfurt and Dublin, Rotterdam.. and, not to forget, the recent London marathon where I ran in my Spiderman suit… with a concussion ! Will you believe that ! Madness !

You can find picture and stories from most of these races via ‘My marathons’ from the menu at the page left. 

Flora London Marathon 2009

This past Sunday I completed the Flora London Marathon for the second time, this time in my marathon nr. 125 (the first was my marathon nr. 4, four years ago).

We – I and 38.000 other runners – had the extreme pleasure of experiencing London in perfect, sunny weather with no wind thus making up for perfect if not a bit too warm conditions… and the race was crowned with a new course record in 2.05.10 by Wanjiru of Kenya.

I was to be found just a bit futher below on the result list… but had a great day in my Spiderman suit which obviously propelled a lot of repsonse from the fantastic crowds.

You find the full picture story from Flora London Marathon 2009 here.

The Jutland Triplet

Wow… what an Easter it has been ! First, Mogens Pedersen and I warmed up with the Dublet in Hamburg and Rotterdam (see previous post) and then came the triplet in Jutland, the first two marathons completed within 24 hours and the last one, the so-called toughest marathon in Denmark, Aalborg Brutal marathon, following Friday. Quite a challenge, quite a feat !

For the foreigners: Jutland is a remote part of Denmark only barely with electricity, the people speak a funny ancient dialect and are intimate with their cattle 🙂 Ahh.. well… maybe not… anyways… three runs within three days and in nice weather in these outlands… just perfect !

First, Wednesday evening… a small race near Horsens… running at the sea and on an easy, flat course… pictures here.

Then, Thursday, time for the extreme challenge in ‘Hasle bakker’ near Aarhus where we climbed the VERY big hills no less than 22 times, for sure making this one of the toughest marathons in Denmark ever and making Aalborg Brutal on Friday look like a kindergarden fun-run. Enjoy the pictures from Hasle bakker here.

Lastly – and making the Triplet complete – the enjoyable Aalborg Brutal marathon… this year in sublime sunshine and with great support from the crowds on the notorious hill on ‘Skovbakkevej’. Indeed a very tough run and more so on a day three in row !

You find the brutal pictures here.