
Summertime in Hamburg and Rotterdam

Yet another wellness weekend and even taking an early peek at the Summer 2009… at least when you consider the weather in Hamburg this Saturday… 19-20 degrees and just wonderful conditions at the Ôjendorfer See ‘Alpaka’ marathon. You find the pictures here.

Rotterdam marathon 2009
Just after the race Saturday, Mogens and I endured a five hours drive to Rotterdam, Netherlands, and were lucky just to reach the gorgeous pasta party in the Euromast Tower. What an ingenious location for a runners meal ! Anyways… Sundays race in Rotterdam went well… and we could thus book another marathon doulet to the collection.

Rotterdam marathon 2009 was a great event, look for yourself here.

GARMIN Rudersdal VII

I somehow managed to complete GARMIN Rudersdal VII just after a week of near-dying of a flu. I guess I felt compelled to make the try, being the Race Director of the Event and welcomming almost 100 runners from the entire country. The short story is… I made it… and the participants had a great day on the tough route, the permanent marathonroute ‘RudersdalRuten’ just north of Copenhagen.

You find the story and the pictures here.

Third Marathon Doublet in 2009

This past weekend was another ‘wellness’ thing with two marathons in a row. Yum-yum.

First, on Saturday, we were a rather large group of Danes visiting Kiel marathon in the Northern Germany and we were lucky to have ideal running conditions with no wind and almost warm winter temperatures. The race was rather easily run, even though the route became a bit boring after a while. However, as always in Germany the organisation was suberb and we enjoyed a fine and professional day at the habour in Kiel.

Pictures from the race can be seen here.

Then Sunday and back in Denmark, we ran a small Halloween-kinda run near the little town Horsens in Jutland and many we dressed up for the occasion… just for fun… but do not mistake: the race was extremely tough to get through.. not because we had run the day before… no, to the very muddy and slippery conditions on the also partly hilly route. Thus, it really demanded some serious will-power to endure… and I was personally quite happy to actually finish in a fine manner closing the last 12 k in sub 75 minutes.

On the picture you see some of the strong runners, including my doublet-collegues this weekend Mogens Pedersen (cow) and Michael Hein (outmost left). You find the full story here and below a small vid with a happy but also rather tired Tor passing by.

The ‘S’ Stuff

I like the ‘S’ stuff. I really, really like it 😉

What am I talking about… hehe… actually… and OF COURSE … I talk about running marathons starting with an ‘S’. 😉 As you can see on my new additional marathon statistics page, I have run 18 marathons starting with an ‘S’, easily beating all other letters in the alphabet. I miss only a few letters, actually, for the full A-Z.

Furthermore, I have one quintet and 11 doublets… and have dressed up 11 times in a marathon race including the latest stunt as a hot blonde (almost as her above), three times as Spiderman, once the Riper and once Santa himself … to mention the most popular ones.

Amongst other interesting things to be seen it is clear that I have most marathons in Denmark, not too surprisingly, with Sweden and Germany tied on second with 19 races in each country.

Elbtunnel marathon 2009
Speaking about Germany I had the pleasure just this past weekend to visit the Elbtunnel marathon in Hamburg for the fourth consecutive year. The race including its creator, my german friend Christian Hottas, celebrated it’s 10th year anniversery and it was a delight to participate in the cosy atmosphere… as hinted in the video below.

Read my full story from the Elbtunnel marathon 2009 here.

PS: Control-question to the male readers: did you see the text in this post at all ?  😉