
Swiss Alpine marathon 2008

Yesterday, I completed the most beautiful and demanding marathon for me to date: Swiss Alpine 42K.

The sceneries cannot be described in words, the toll on the body cannot be read… it must be felt end endured by yourself ! So you marathoneers out there, be aware !!! You MUST go to Davos, Switerzerland, and participate in the Swiss Alpine marathon sometime in your life ! It is a HUGE experience.

Swiss Alpine 2008 

For now, though, you can get some impressions from the race here.  

Summertime !

This past Sunday we had the pleasure of running the “Winter Route” in Kalundborg.

Kalundborg Summermarathon 2008

Boy.. oh, boy… that was such a beautiful treat ! Green trees, yellow corn fields, blue sky and white Cumulus clouds just made up fantastic scenaries along the course… a quite hilly and tough course to complete, indeed !

See the picturesque stuff here

Extreme !

Yet another weekend with two marathons, even the two toughest marathons in Denmark !

Firstly, Mjoelner marathon on Saturday, a very challenging and technically difficult race. Add to this temperatures at around 28 degrees and you have a cocktail only to drink for experienced and very stubborn runners. Pictures here.

Tor Rønnow at Extreme marathon 2008. Foto: Ole Cramer.

Then, Sunday… the hardest and toughest marathon in Denmark, Extreme marathon… including 4400 height meters !!! Let’s just say that I came through… but with great difficulties due to blisters and damage on the left Achilles, unfortunately somthing that still troubles me here four days after. See the extreme pics here.

Two marathons on One Day (28.06.2008)

Yeah… you read correctly… I did two of them this past Saturday. Still marathons, not bimbos 🙂

First, start in Hamburg 08.00 hours in pouring rain in the little but very cosy race “Ôjendorfer See Marathon” ( As my right knee was hurting from the Double the weekend before, the soily route was perfect and gentle food for my legs and constitution… and I finished very controlled just sub-5 hours. See the pictures here.
Beautiful view at Ôjendorfer See Marathon in Hamburg, Germany

Then Anders and I drove 2 1/2 hours in car to the coastal City Bremerhaven… and were ready for the next race, Bremerhaven City Marathon, at the start 18.30 hours. The first 10 k went fine, then followed by 20 very hard kilometers for me ! On the last of the four rounds I was the last person… and was thus followed by a couple of Police motorcycles… that kinda gave me some Energy !  😉 But then at the very last kilometer… I actually passed another runner… to my amazement … and finished in just sub 5.30 hours, two minutes to midnight ! Alas, two marathons were completed this historic day, June 28 2008 !
Anders Munch Madsen and Tor Rønnow at Bremerhaven City Marathon 2008

See the pictures here … or in this gallery.

Double the Action !

Two at the same time !

“Women ?” …. no, no, no, I’m talking about two marathons in one weekend 😉 This past weekend I had the pleasure and hard work of doing two of them… marathons. First, the very tough but also very eventful “Aabenraa Bjergmarathon” in which I even ran in my Spidey-costume. You find the report here.

Tor as Spiderman at Aabenraa marathon 2008

Then, Sunday we – yes, we were actually quite a bunch doing this “double” – did Laesoe marathon, i.e. the marathon on the island Laesoe. Here the route was very flat and easy… but my legs were too sour from the day before so I could not take advantage of it and finished secondlast in a totally crap time. See the story here.

Tor is happy... at Laesoe marathon 2008

But who cares about time… when you can do two 😉