
Yet another marathon-double

This past weekend my Swedish master Lennart Skoog and I could book yet another marathon-double: first, the peaceful race in Öland, Sweden and then, after driving car back home until 2 a.m. , the track marathon in Kalundborg, Denmark, which was quiete a party ! Please read about the races under ‘MY MARATHONS’. In toto: job done !

My first 50 marathons !

Yesterday, in Sweden, I completed my marathon number 50.

I had never believed that it would be so when I started on my first marathon only 3 years and one month ago…but the madness and inspiration from my many fellow runners has set me up and I have now become one of those marathon-addicts myself. 

Well, actually, I need to change habits a little so I’ll be reducing the number of runs from now on, freeing up time for my loved ones and my new job….and I guess my body and mind needs it as well. Nevertheless, more races are to come and I’ll be reporting back as always.

My next event is the track-marathon in Kalundborg, Denmark, at the end of July… 104 rounds to go 😉

Enjoy your life and your summer !

One weekend, two marathons !

This coming weekend I’ll give it a new try to complete two marathons within two days. It kinda failed on New Years Eve, however, this time I think the odds are better. For starters, I actually get to sleep a little between the two races 😉 Secondly, I’m in better shape now and have lost a few pounds as well. Thirdly, I can build on my past experience.

Luckilly, I woun’t be alone on this feat. My Swedish Master Lennart Skoog, especially, and my Danish running mate Leif Skinnerup will both also be in the races, ie. Aarhus marathon on Saturday and Storebaelt Nature marathon on Sunday.

Woohaa, do I look forward to this weekend..oh boy, oh boy 😉 Don’t tell this to someone sane 😉

End of year three

My first marathon was in Copenhagen, Denmark almost three years ago, ie. the 16.05.2004.

Thus, my personal marathon year spands from the 16th of May each year. With my race in Vienna just this weekend, I have now completed my first three years of marathon running…and it has been quite a surprising programme…a schedule I would never have forseen or thought possible :

First year: 4 marathons, including Berlin and London !

Second year: 12 marathons, including Stockholm, Amsterdam, Dublin, Elbtunnel, Paris and Hamburg.

Third year: 28 marathons, including, well, too many to mention… New York, Boston, Rome, Barcelona, Vienna and Monschau on top. Not to mention ‘my own’ event GARMIN Rudersdal marathon.

You can find picture and stories from most of these races via ‘My marathons’ from the menu at the page right. 

I am planning to step down a little and do mainly Scandinavian races for the next time to come. See you out there ! 

Best wishes for your races, Tor 😉