

How many Kingdoms know not of us ?  (Blaise Pascal)

Still our Vanity gives us simple pleasure when being seen by a few of our fellow men. We are Ignorants.

Ignorants not only in Time and in the extrovert persuits of Survival, but also Ignorants in our Personal belief systems and to the complexity of the Nature of our Feelings, not to mention our Spiritual Dimensions. We cannot as Children grasp the burden of Adultness, the joys of Parenthood or the games of Sex, yet these are states we visit later in Life. We cannot imagine middle-age or even dying as real events when we are young… and when we grow older, we cannot understand that the World is a new place for the youngsters we are not self anymore. We are Ignorants.

We are Ignorants to many of the great places and creations in the World, both in Nature and in the History of Civilization. Have you studied the art of the Etrusques, the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empires, the Middle Ages, the Natural Sciences and the foundation of the Modern World ? Do you know the word Axiom ? Can you account for the development in Music from J.S. Bach over Beethoven, Rachmaninov, Shostakovic and to the Modern Pop and Rock Music… and can you connect this to the forwards in the political and democratic spheres ? Most importantly, can you feel the weightlessness of centuries when disappearing into the music and the meditative Universe that your soul enters when you really listen. Can you connect to your Ignorance ? Can you feel the blow of Time and the Times that once were. Do you possess Intuition about the Time to come ?

This is not for me, you may say. You may understand and live for your job, your career, your position, your ‘Name’, your Family. Well, who does not ? The question is to which extend you live your whole life defending the little bucket of Illusions that you so wish to be ‘the truth’, the meaning of life. Do you think that is the only way ? For Mankind, in Time… even… for you ? How many Kingdoms know YOU not ?

Yes, Truth is that we cannot even begin to count how many Kingdoms that know us not. But we will ignore this, Ignorants as we are.

Is there Hope ?


If you succeed in understanding that you really know zip, you may stand a chance. A unique chance of opening up to the many wonders in the World, in your own World, in Love, in Spirituality. When you examine the Questions more than the possible answers. When you are able to repeatably reconnect to your inner discussions and states of mind, to reinterpret past occurrences and to forgive. Forgive the ignorants around you… they know not better, Ignorants as they are, Kings today, dust tomorrow. Forgive yourself, Ignorant in the past, Ignorant today… but perhaps just slightly less so. Forgive !

Not even Nature in all its Force can maintain the Strongest of it’s storms… then why you ? Things pass…. let them go. Life passes… let it pass. But open your eyes and your Heart every day to the possibility that you may become richer, Spiritually, stronger, that you may learn and that you need to make an effort, also today. Pay attention to Time… it works in funny ways in our Souls. Notice that every single moment keeps information about all other moments and that you only get closer to everything you already know and always have. You are the Light in your own World of Darkness, you are the Force to bring the Universe to you.

All this is Eternal, all this will vanish.

The Sub-Prime Crisis and Belief Systems

What we old New Age disciples have known for decades is now becoming scaringly apparent to the World as a whole: we all live in and ‘under’ common mass-belief systems.

Take the Sub-Prime Crisis and the current Financial situation in the world… and compare it with say 2005. What is the real difference ? Our attitudes and beliefs ! Today, the things, our houses and the Companies we treasured so highly only recently are said to be of less or no value ? Capitalism is dead … and authorities are shifting … !  Based on… what ?

Well… isn’t is quite obvious which extreme powers our imagination holds… especially our mass belief systems ! We can learn a lot from this, actually. We can learn to work with our personal belief systems… and that there is a direct link between what we think and believe in.. and which experiences we actually collect. The general rule is: you will experience exactly what you think you will ! So… be careful to choose the right belief systems ! You choose … and remember: there are NO absolute Truths !

This is what the Sub-Prime Crisis is teaching us… some of you have known this all along… but I think most people have been living for too long in the persuit of material values hailing to a bunch of fat middle-aged men called ‘Investors’ and sacrificing their judgement and love to the game of Carrers, Money and hierarchical Power. We now see that these men have no real power and that we can not rely on them or the belief systems they indoctrinate us with ! We have to rely on ourselves ! We have to choose real, personal values and beliefs. Carefully !

Me ? I do not personally believe in the Sub-Prime Crisis as a bad thing… but we may all fall short to certain consequences of this mass belief system… well… let happen what may ! Life does continue… also without us anno 2008. Wars may come.

Those are the hard facts. I believe.

Blue in Green

If only.

If only I could keep the state of being Blue in Green…

… when things go astray…
… when the kids are fighting…
… when work is stressfull…
… when the others are annoying…

Sure sounds like Miles Davis found a path to bliss, eternal transcendence and humor as well. If only one could keep such moments during the tougher and often daily chaotic times of life. If only !

The Prayer

I call upon ye, the Dimensions I sense but cannot justify.
I call upon ye, you Guides that lead with unhearable voices.
I call for help !

I was warned not to go into the Naked Forrest,
the Fortress of Hell, the Home of Deciet, the Garden of Lies.
But I did. And now I suffer. For too long, now.

I lost the Faith I was brought up to believe in.
Now, I can’t settle Peace with myself for my own bad Judgement.
Nothing was taken from me but yet I have lost everything.

The Irrationality of Feelings is truly perplexing ! Make it stop !
Please, hidden Masters, show me the Path and I promise
not to enter the Naked Forrest again. Ever.

Whisper me the Map.
Hint me the Direction.
Let the White Light Shine in my Heart again.