Soduko Tips

Did you notice that a Soduko grid is made up by three permutating pairs in each main row and each main column section of the grid ? No ? Well, it is. Every time, even. This hinsight is of great value when you’re working your way to a solution of a Soduko puzzle. Try it on ! I have explained the whole thing on the page, just follow the link in the side menu, or below. 

So, take a look at my permanent page with my personal Soduko tips here. I do hope that my tips and tricks may help you to sqeeze the air out of those nasty Soduko puzzles !

Yet another marathon-double

This past weekend my Swedish master Lennart Skoog and I could book yet another marathon-double: first, the peaceful race in Öland, Sweden and then, after driving car back home until 2 a.m. , the track marathon in Kalundborg, Denmark, which was quiete a party ! Please read about the races under ‘MY MARATHONS’. In toto: job done !

My first 50 marathons !

Yesterday, in Sweden, I completed my marathon number 50.

I had never believed that it would be so when I started on my first marathon only 3 years and one month ago…but the madness and inspiration from my many fellow runners has set me up and I have now become one of those marathon-addicts myself. 

Well, actually, I need to change habits a little so I’ll be reducing the number of runs from now on, freeing up time for my loved ones and my new job….and I guess my body and mind needs it as well. Nevertheless, more races are to come and I’ll be reporting back as always.

My next event is the track-marathon in Kalundborg, Denmark, at the end of July… 104 rounds to go 😉

Enjoy your life and your summer !