Tag Archives: Tor Rønnow

Guernsey Marathon 2021

Below my race report from Guernsey Marathon 2021, Guernsey, including various tourist impressions.

Guernsey and St. Peter Port
Guernsey? Well, according to Google, Guernsey is one of the Channel Islands in the English Channel near the French coast, and is a self-governing British Crown dependency. It’s known for beach resorts like Cobo Bay and the scenery of its coastal cliffs. Castle Cornet, a 13th-century harbor fortification in the capital of St. Peter Port, now contains history and military museums. Hauteville House is the lavish former home of French writer, Victor Hugo.

Great! To me, in addition, Guernsey is where you can see an Enigma Machine and where you can find peace of mind by just glaring at the Sea, the British Canal. The race report justifies this, I believe.

In short: I loved my few days in Guernsey very much!

Guernsey Marathon 2021 - Guernsey - Tor Rønnow
Guernsey Marathon 2021

Guernsey Marathon 2021
The event featured a full marathon Sunday plus a fun run and two types of marathon relay (2 or 5 runners). The organization was flawless, the weather was beautiful and the route was at many, many points extremely scenic, especially the views on the Sea, the Castles and the Loop Towers. Personally, I managed to book my best marathontime for the past 2 years and that on a somewhat hilly route with many turns and twists and, unfortunately, quite a lot of car and bus traffic on the roads.

See in the race report below just why you should add Guernsey Marathon to your bucket list!

Guernsey Marathon 2021 - Guernsey - Tor Rønnow
Guernsey Marathon 2021

See or relive the Guernsey Marathon 2021 here:

Guernsey Marathon 2021 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Guernsey Marathon 2021 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Guernsey Marathon 2021 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Guernsey Marathon 2021 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Guernsey Marathon 2021 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Guernsey Marathon 2021 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Guernsey Marathon 2021 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
2021 年根西島馬拉松賽 圖片 / 圖片來自 Tor Rønnow(中文)
Guernsey Marathon 2021 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

HCA Marathon 2021

Sunday September 26th 2021 I ran the HCA Marathon in Odense, Denmark. Find below my full race coverage from a magnificient and quite tough day in the running shoes in the city of birth of the great Poet Hans Christian Andersen.

HCA Marathon Odense 2021 - Tor Rønnow

HCA Marathon 2021 (Odense, Denmark)
The HCA Marathon started at 10.00 AM in the morning and in great weather too. The race course covers most of the landmarks in and around Odense, however, not the childhood home of H.C. Andersen. The Marathon was also venue of the Danish Championships 2021 and probably due to this fact the crowd was spectacularly big and counted one of the best danish long distance runners of the past two decades, namely Jesper Faurschou, Olympic participant in London 2012. Jesper edged a well-deserved Silver Medal declaring defeat to the “new kid” Martin Egebjerg Olesen, who obviously completed in race in an outstanding performance through the two rounds; my warm congratulations to both Martin and Jesper, the race report even features a number of great shots of the two contenders.

It is also worth to mention the high-class organisation behind the event, I believe everything was just right and the staff and many helpers were cheerful and friendly throughout the day. Add to this a nice and often scenic route and plenty of spectators, well, at least during Round 1. In toto, yet another perfect race at HCA Marathon in Odense.

See or relive HCA Marathon 2021 here:

HCA Marathon (Odense) 2021 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
HCA Marathon (Odense) 2021 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)
HCA Marathon (Odense) 2021 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
HCA Marathon (Odense) 2021 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
HCA Marathon (Odense) 2021 – 照片來自 Tor Rønnow(中文)
HCA Marathon (Odense) 2021 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
HCA Marathon (Odense) 2021 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
HCA Marathon (Odense) 2021 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
HCA Marathon (Odense) 2021 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)

Helsingborg Marathon 2021

Saturday September 4th 2021 I ran the Helsingborg Marathon in Sweden. Find below my full race coverage from a magnificient day in the running shoes.

Helsingborg Marathon 2021 - Tor Rønnow

Helsingborg Marathon 2021
The Helsingborg Marathon started at 10.00 AM in the morning and in great weather too. The race course covers a tiny but important part of the city center and then heads southwards for about 7 km. The route then folds back towards Helsingborg and beyond and passes a number of landmarks in the area including the famous Sofiero Castle before concluding the race at the brink of Oeresund in a spectacular manner.

The race is superbly organized, adventurous and also quite tough. A lot of very nice pain, indeed, but worth every scream.

See or relive Helsingborg Marathon 2021 here:

Helsingborg Marathon 2021 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Helsingborg Marathon 2021 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)
Helsingborg Marathon 2021 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Helsingborg Marathon 2021 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
赫爾辛堡馬拉松2021 – 圖片TorRønnow(中文)
ヘルシンボロマラソン2021 – TorRønnowの写真(日本語)
Helsingborg Marathon 2021 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Helsingborg Marathon 2021 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Helsingborg Marathon 2021 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Helsingborg Marathon 2021 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)

Marathon PopUp – Gentofte

Low budget – high quality
I do not usually bring local, low-budget races to my front page, but here’s an exception: a very nice set of pictures from the small race “Marathon PopUp“, the pictures featuring the “Gentofte” edition very close to my home, actually. If you ever visit Copenhagen and want to run a really cheap local race, check out Marathon PopUp for sure. And don’t be intimidated by language considerations, everyone in Denmark speaks English. From age 5.

Anyways, the Gentofte race Sunday May 30th 2021 was just splendid, high sun, no win, flat beautiful route by the sea and literally 5 minutes from home. Friends were also present, including Jesper Ølsgaard of Denmark running marathon no. 300, what an accomplishment. My congratulations and respect!

So thanks to Race Director Henrik Birkedal Hansen for a memorable day. Please enjoy the race report below.

Marathon PopUp Gentofte 2021 - Tor Rønnow
Marathon PopUp Gentofte 2021

See or relive the Marathon PopUp – Gentofte 2021, Denmark, here:

Marathon PopUp Gentofte_2021 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Marathon PopUp Gentofte_2021 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Marathon PopUp Gentofte_2021 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Marathon PopUp Gentofte_2021 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Marathon PopUp Gentofte_2021 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Marathon PopUp Gentofte_2021 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Marathon PopUp Gentofte_2021 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Marathon PopUp Gentofte 2021 – Tor Rønnow 圖片(中文)
Marathon PopUp Gentofte 2021 – Tor Rønnow の写真 (日本語)
Marathon PopUp Gentofte_2021 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)

Jungle Run – South Coast Beach Marathon 2021

Marathon – after 6 dry m-months!
Below my race report from the Jungle Run -South Coast Beach Marathon 2021 held on Falster, Denmark, on April 25th. This was my first marathon in 6 months, it is 16 years since I had such a long period of time between races and back then it was between my marathons no. 3 and 4, ie. well before my marathon-“career” started. Add to the madness that I had extremely sparse training not only the last 6 but rather 8 months (for the usual obvious reasons). So – I was actually very nerveous whether I could even complete such a long distance and if, in what condition ?

Everything turned out great! It was a crazy scenic route: 8 km on the beach (!) starting out, then parts on soil and grass and then finishing off on 11 km on the beach again, this time with gusting strong head wind from the North and running in loose sand. Quite a challenge indeed. I ran slowly only to be in full mental control and it was – JUST GREAT !
See for yourself in the race report below.

Jungle Run South Coast Beach Marathon 2021 - Tor Rønnow
Jungle Run South Coast Beach Marathon 2021

See or relive the Jungle Run South Coast Beach Marathon 2021, Denmark, here:

Jungle Run South Coast Beach Marathon 2021 – billeder/fotos af Tor Rønnow (Danish)
Jungle Run South Coast Beach Marathon 2021 – pictures by Tor Rønnow (English)
Jungle Run South Coast Beach Marathon 2021 – foto di Tor Rønnow (Italiano)
Jungle Run South Coast Beach Marathon 2021 – beelden van Tor Rønnow (Nederlandse)
Jungle Run South Coast Beach Marathon 2021 – photos de Tor Rønnow (Français)
Jungle Run South Coast Beach Marathon 2021 – fotos del Tor Rønnow (Español)
Jungle Run South Coast Beach Marathon 2021 – bilder von Tor Rønnow (Deutsch)
Jungle Run South Coast Beach Marathon 2021 – bilder av Tor Rønnow (Svenska)